OpenCV, a popular computer vision library, uses a class called Mat to store and manipulate images. Mat in OpenCV handles images as numerical matrices, essential for image processing tasks. This article provides an in-depth look at Mat, focusing on its creation, manipulation, and memory management.
Key Concepts of Mat in OpenCV
Memory Management
In older versions of OpenCV, images were stored using the C structure IplImage, which required manual memory management. With the introduction of C++ in OpenCV 2.0, Mat simplifies this process by automatically managing memory, reducing the complexity and potential errors associated with manual memory allocation and deallocation.
Structure of Mat
Mat consists of two primary parts:
- Matrix Header: Contains metadata such as the size of the matrix, storage method, and memory address.
- Pointer to Matrix Data: Points to the actual pixel values.
This separation allows for efficient handling and manipulation of image data without unnecessary memory consumption.
Creating and Manipulating Mat Objects in OpenCV
Basic Creation
You can create a Mat object explicitly using various constructors and functions:
- Default Constructor: Creates an empty matrix.
- Size and Type Constructor: Specifies the size and data type.
- Using Arrays: Initializes Mat with existing data.
Mat M(2, 2, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0, 0, 255));
Advanced Initialization in Mat in OpenCV
OpenCV provides several methods for initializing Mat objects with predefined values:
- Zeros:
Mat::zeros(rows, cols, type)
- Ones:
Mat::ones(rows, cols, type)
- Identity Matrix:
Mat::eye(rows, cols, type)
Mat E = Mat::eye(4, 4, CV_64F);
Storing Pixel Values
Pixel values can be stored in various formats and color spaces:
- Grayscale: Single channel, black and white images.
- RGB: Three channels (red, green, blue).
- BGR: Default OpenCV format, similar to RGB but with red and blue channels swapped.
- HSV: Hue, Saturation, and Value color space.
- YCrCb: Used in JPEG compression.
- CIE Lab: Perceptually uniform color space.
Memory Sharing and Reference Counting :Mat in OpenCV
OpenCV uses a reference counting system to manage memory efficiently. Multiple Mat objects can share the same data matrix, with each object having its own header. Copying a Mat object copies only the header and the pointer to the data, not the data itself. The matrix is freed when the last object referencing it is destroyed.
Mat A = imread("image.jpg", IMREAD_COLOR);
Mat B(A); // Both A and B share the same data
To create a deep copy, use clone()
or copyTo()
Mat C = A.clone();
Mat D;
Output Formatting and Visualization
OpenCV allows various formatting options for displaying matrices:
- Default: Basic output format.
- Python: Python-style formatting.
- CSV: Comma-separated values.
- Numpy: Compatible with Numpy array representation.
- C: C-style array formatting.
cout << "Matrix (default) = " << endl << R << endl;
cout << "Matrix (python) = " << endl << format(R, Formatter::FMT_PYTHON) << endl;
Practical Applications and Code Examples
To illustrate the practical use of Mat, consider a scenario where we need to apply image processing techniques to an input image:
Example: Reading and Displaying an Image
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace cv;
int main() {
// Read the image file
Mat image = imread("path_to_image.jpg", IMREAD_COLOR);
// Check for failure
if (image.empty()) {
std::cout << "Could not open or find the image" << std::endl;
return -1;
// Create a window
namedWindow("Display window", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
// Show our image inside the created window
imshow("Display window", image);
// Wait for any keystroke in the window
return 0;
Example: Creating a Region of Interest (ROI)
Mat A = imread("image.jpg", IMREAD_COLOR);
Rect roi(50, 50, 100, 100);
Mat B = A(roi);
imshow("ROI", B);
Understanding the Mat class in OpenCV is fundamental for efficient image processing and computer vision tasks. Its automatic memory management, versatile creation methods, and efficient handling of pixel data make it an essential tool for developers. By leveraging the capabilities of Mat, developers can focus more on solving computational challenges rather than dealing with the intricacies of memory management.